Okay so if you haven't already heard, today was quite a historic day...or at least, today was a day of honoring historic people. The reason for this is threefold. One, it's Abraham Lincoln's 200th birthday; two, it's Charles Darwin's 200th birthday; and three, it's the NAACP's 100th birthday.
Abraham Lincoln
was born February 12, 1809 in Illinois. During his life, Lincoln only had one year of schooling, but once he learned to read and write, he never stopped doing it. He was a self-taught lawyer and a good one. He was 6 foot 4, America's tallest president and the first to have a beard. If he doesn't top the list of our greatest presidents, he at least ranks near the top. When Lincoln was assassinated, the only money in his pocket was a $5 bill. After Booth shot him, Lincoln was taken from the theatre into an inn where he died the next morning on a bed that he had to be laid on diagonally because it was too short for him. Lincoln was president during one of the most troubling times in U.S. history, the Civil War, and although he was not popular with many people, basically all the Southern states, he didn't let that bother him and did what he knew was right. (Deseret News)
Charles Darwin
was also born February 12, 1809, but inEngland. Darwin went on a nearly five year voyage traveling the world, around the tip of South America, past Australia and the tip of Africa to the coast of Brazil and back toEngland. He is responsible for the theory of evolution, having studied geology while on the voyage. Darwin's theory of natural selection is famous because it means that organisms, animals and people who do stupid things die quickly and fortunately for the rest of humanity, their oafish genes aren't passed on to future generations. Survival of the fittest:) Be sure to check out http://www.darwinawards.com. You'll laugh. (Wikipedia)
"An American monkey, after getting drunk on brandy, would never touch it again, and thus is much wiser than most men."
was founded February 12, 1909 by people who came from many different backgrounds. Some were black, some were white, some Jewish and some of other religious beliefs. The NAACP did a lot to move forward the work of the Civil Rights movement in the 20th century and they're still around today as America's biggest civil rights organization and has over one million members
throughout the world.
Advancement of Colored People
So there you go, a brief and probably boring synopsis of the significance of today.
A few more important things. First of all, congrats to Ashley for getting into the London study abroad! We're all jealous. Second of all, yesterday nine skiers beat the world record of skiing 11 ski resorts in one day and skied at 13, all in Utah! Can you imagine driving to 13 different ski resorts in one day? Crazy, but awesome.
1 comment:
haha thanks guys :P and 13 different ski resorts! thats crazy! did they have to pay at all of them? that would've sucked lol. but very cool
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