Thursday, December 11, 2008

Comment on National Geographic picture

So I was trying to figure out, with my roommate Ashley, how Rose might have found the picture on our first post. We were discussing all of the different things she may have typed into google image search to find that picture. Our ideas ranged from National Geographic to pretty pictures to man and cows and eventually led to the conclusion that she must have typed in man riding antelope. I thought that must be it until Ashley pointed out to me that the man isn't actually riding the animal, he's behind it. Well, whatever it is, the mystery remains. How did you find that picture Rose?

Man riding jackalope, even better!



stephen said...

actually holly, that picture on rosemary's first post is a rice farmer riding a carabou(also known as a kind of water buffalo). it is a large time animal, similar to a cow, which is used in asian countries for the plowing of rice, corn, and other miscellaneous agricultural fields.

Holly and Rose said...
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Holly and Rose said... thanks.

Ashley said...

haha oh my goodness who would've guessed! a rice farmer riding a carabou :D thanks for solving the mystery!