Thursday, April 23, 2009

I know I should protect the world from myself when

I hear hysterical laughter and realize it's my own.

I get up every five minutes to look for...wait, what...?

Someone says my name and a low grumbling growl escapes my mouth.

I wish I went to BYU so I could be done with school by now.

I wonder what it'd be like to live in a van and drive from city to city, singing the Beatles and not washing my hair.

I start quoting the quirky sayings of my professors, i.e. "Good on ya!"

I wonder why I'm depriving the world of my innate jump roping talents.

I think it's Wednesday all day and then I find out it's Thursday (good thing).

I can't remember what I was saying to Caroline 60 seconds ago...neither can she.

I am as tall as Andrei Kirilenko's legs.

The computer screen starts changing colors.

I don't think anything is funny anymore.

This isn't funny anymore.

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